Agapanthus in the late evening sunshine

A family typical Friday. A grunt in the gym, lunch. A change to the usual routine as we then went to Doreen's to prepare a couple of bedrooms for her grandson and family who are visiting next week while we are away in Shropshire and Edinburgh.

I came home to sort out the automatic watering system in the garden. We inherited the system when we bought the house 17 years ago and it has proved invaluable but each year the outlets need to be in a slightly different place and of course, we moved the greenhouse this year. All of which meant a reorganisation of the tubes and outlets. It hasn't been working well this year. An hour this afternoon sorted that.

I've had to buy a new timer though as the current one, although it works has a leak somewhere which I cannot find. Leaving it turned on for 10 days would waste too much water. Will be collecting it tomorrow and hopefully, all will be well.

Watched Sir Mo run the race of his life to win another 10,000 metre World Championship medal - had to watch it on catch up - I can't bear to watch such pressurised events live!

I was going to blip the extra with the title "Noooooooo" but the sharp evening sunshine on the agapanthus stole in at the last moment.

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