Golden again

Poor little Raspberry had a probable stress related urinary tract issue yesterday. Travel, disruption at home with a new mattress coming today and the logistics of sleeping in the guest room to prepare. Bed frame , repair/dismantling on a Civil War era oak bed (requiring a noisy screw gun while she was confined and couldn't see what was happening) and on and on.

She and I had a trip to the vets yesterday afternoon after she had many rather unproductive trips to the litter box with crying. I was on the fence about taking her, she is a rather "fractious"( the notation in her file) patient when poked and prodded. She's totally nonviolent at home , so it's upsetting for me and she also feels my extreme stress. I have healed her with homeopathic remedies before, but this seemed worthy of a trip. The vet was kind and I will award Raspberry with a C+ for her part of the deal. It's probably just stress related, she was hydrated with an infusion and her bladder didn't seem too full or painful. What she hates is the immobilization for the needle extraction of urine, so we bypassed that with a home collection kit. I had to set up an empty litter box with plastic granules, the plastic doesn't absorb the urine and it can be collected for a non-sterile test that usually lets them catch a bacterial infection. I had to set that up at breakneck speed, and she used it, providing a small but usable sample that I dropped off. They will call with the result if she needs antibiotics. The vet also gave her a prescription capsule that I can open and sprinkle on her food. That drug helps relax the urethra. She came home, ate a big supper and conked out for the night. She was chipper this morning, no trouble in the box and is napping as always now. 

The mattress delivery window is from about now until 4:30, but should be quick. Things will be back to normal by dinnertime. The vet trip took at least 10 years off my life, I am so very attached to the little golden one. The next stress is a tooth cleaning for her, Abys have historically poor teeth and hers are not so pearly after 11 years !!

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and humid with rain moving in.

All hands thrilled that 45 is on the vacation he insisted he would never take. We'll all get a breather from his constant aggravation I hope.

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