Penrith Art Club Summer Exhibition

Thanks for all the kind words after yesterday's excitement, now the adrenaline has gone I've a couple of choice bruises and I've decided to consider it type 2.5fun...

Last night was the invite only opening of the Penrith Art Club Summer Show and I'm super proud to say that Mrs IttH's wonderfully moody panorama of Glaramara* was the first painting sold much to the disgruntlement of a couple of other interested parties, yeay.
A couple of years ago Mrs IttH joined the club and quickly, in what appears to be an IttH household trait, found herself on the committee. This year as well as the finances and website, she's now taken on the organisation of the exhibitions.
The venue (the St Andrew's Centre, Penrith) is really good, tall, bright and airy and excellent disabled access. Last night went really really well.... until an elderly gentleman knocked over one of the displays with his rucksack (I mean, really, who takes a rucksack to a crowded art opening, hmphhh). It destroyed one painting and smashed the frame of another. I have to say the artist who's pictures they were took it amazingly well. And I should also say, it's not just stone throwing youths who get things wrong, he took a disappointing time to actually man up and say sorry.

So early this morning we shot back in. I rebuilt the damaged display and reinforced the others - and just before the doors opened at 10am another member walked in with one of the pictures reframed, he'd done an amazing job overnight.

* my really poor extra just doesn't do justice to the texture, use of light or the layers of this wonderful oil painting. I must learn to photograph paintings, I'm sure it's a specific skill.

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