Flying high!

We landed in Calgary last night.
We did a similar trip to Canada 21yrs ago, to the one we have planned this year. It was for our 25th wedding anniversary and was a fantastic 2 weeks. The return visit to see more, was planned for last year, but it got postponed at the request of friends who wanted us to join them on another trip.
Calgary airport and city have changed dramatically, due to the expansion of the gas and oil industries. They have a ‘downtown’ like most big cities and residential areas stretching out in all directions. The Stampede was on but we were not staying to see any of it.
An early start as we headed out by coach for Banff. The first stop was to take a helicopter trip to see the mountains, lakes etc. The helicopter takes 5 passengers at a time and as most parties were of 2 or 4 passengers, the offer was that if couples would split up, the single passenger could have the front seat next to the pilot. ‘A no brainer’, so we joined separate groups so that we could both take photographs. The blip is B getting out at the end of his trip, I’d gone earlier in another helicopter. A great experience.
We then headed on to Banff and the gondola trip to the top of Sulphur mountain. Awesome views made more exciting when a thunder storm came through. We were able to shelter in the complex and watch it all. There has been very little rain in this part of Canada and in British Columbia there are numerous spontaneous forest fires raging. So any meaningful rain fall is appreciated. I captured the scene over Banff without getting wet. (In extras)
We then moved on to Banff, in beautiful sunshine, for lunch. Free to choose where we wished, we ended up in a food court for a noodle dish, quick and tasty, to allow time precious time to wander. Banff in Scotland, which this community is named after, has great significance for me as my parents and their families were born in the Scottish one, many are still there today.
We ended the day at Lake Louise (in extras and well worth a peek), a stunning hotel. The original hotel was built to house passengers on the Canadian Pacific Railway in the late 1880’s.

PS Sorry I forgot to say that this is a back blip......more to follow.

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