Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

East Usk Lighthouse

Mrs BB and I went for a short walk around Newport Wetlands Nature Reserve which is part of the costal footpath around Wales. It was only a short three mile walk as Mrs BB was getting fed up with me stopping to take photo's and she wanted to go for her 1.5 mile swim after we'd gone to a nearby shop to buy some new seat cushions for our kitchen chairs. There was nothing wrong with the ones we had - but whom am I to argue - I'd only lose!

The photo I like best is of East Usk Lighthouse (now disused) seen from the water bridge as you approach the costal path from the park. The bird looks like some sort of geese to me.

Wide Angle Wednesday Challenge

Don't forget to tag your wide Wednesday photos! 
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If you want more of a challenge then your title shoud start with the first or last letter of the month ( A or T) OR the month number (8).

Anything goes - enjoy it!

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