I am grateful for ...

By shirleyray

Sense of Scale

I had blipped this lizard egg earlier, as seen here (I think I did it right!). (Just learning how to insert these and you really can't test it out before publishing, so fingers crossed!)

In another group I am in, this week the prompt is "sense of scale". I thought this would give you another idea of how small this is compared to a chicken egg. (I think I might have an egg salad sandwich for lunch....wonder where that idea came from?)

From this comes the source of all of Bunkers' entertainment and bravery these days. I found one scurrying across the top of the wall this morning. They provide me with some entertainment as well!

Speaking of Bunker...he has really scored in the treat department this morning. The photo shoot was set up in the kitchen and it took several trips to the office to check out the results. Each time he comes in the office he gets a treat. He likes when the tripod is set up!

I am grateful that I have gotten more than photography accomplished this morning. My office is a bit more organized than it was yesterday. Time spent with the shredding machine gets rid of a lot of clutter.

Hooray, I just checked it out and I got it right. You can teach an old dog new tricks!

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