Don't Worry-I'm a Pro

By AllenFreeman


This used to be the only movie theater in town when I was growing up. I remember being about 6 and standing in line and the cost was like 75 cents. My dad would take me there for a all kids summer fun show on some saturday mornings. I didn't know anyone there and that was spooky but we got candy, popcorn a toy and watched cartoons and a comedy of some sort all back to back. My dad knew the guy that ran the projector so he was up there taking to him. When I was a bit older we were at the drive-in and I got to go behind the building and in the secret door and see the machines and meet the guy running the projectors. Wow! That was cool. I'm sure that also added to my being hooked on movies and everything about them.....When I got out of college I almost got a job at a TV station (I'd had classes on running the cameras at a station) but another job for commercial art came through at the same time and I never did get a chance to work at a TV station. If that had happened, I'd of gone in the direction of trying to be a movie camera man.....

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