Black Spider!

Of course, the camera didn't register it as black, but my eyes did!  It was running across my lounge wall this morning  -  luckily I had just returned from looking for something to blip in the garden and so had the camera hanging round my neck!  Managed to capture it before he jumped onto the carpet and away  -  where to I wonder!  Went down to new Aldis at 1 pm.  A nightmare  -  had to go round the car park three times before finding a parking space!  Inside was like the whole of Scotland was there!  Obviously I got out as quick as I could!  Some things were on the ball though  -  I bought the Blueberries because they were made in Scotland;  the Cashier was a handsome Scottish boy called Robbie who gave me a free canvas shopping bag and said "See you next time!"  Who could resist such a invitation:)

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