horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

An Edinburgh Institution

As long as I've lived in Edinburgh (granted, only 9 years this coming summer) I can remember seeing this guy wandering about. Distinctive, long, matted hair down the back, and always carrying at least 3 bags full of 'stuff'. And he always seems reasonably happy with himself.

Which really should have put things into perspective with a wander necessitated by it simply being Monday and the start of another 5 days back in the office.

But at least I have my sanity (just). A letter printed in the local chip-wrapper today from a driver, deriding a road layout change in the city, bemoaned the fact that drivers had to make a choice between staying put within a yellow-boxed area or putting the foot down and risking hitting a pedestrian. Is that really a choice?

The fact that you shouldn't be in the yellow-boxed area unless the exit is clear, or you are the first car in a queue turning right only being blocked by oncoming traffic (rule 174 of the Highway Code, and one of those backed up by legislative force) is neither here nor there, you quite simply should not have in your head as a choice the possibility of mowing someone down over a slight inconvenience to yourself and maybe a few others.

Everyone seems to think that everyone else out there is simply trying to hold them up, to get in their way, to make life difficult for them. Rather, we're all just trying to get somewhere. As quickly as possible. Which I guess is what causes the problem. As well as that general lack of understanding of the rules, coupled with a disregard for logical thought.

For instance (Highway Code 'Pop' Quiz - why pop? Never understood that, Americanisms in general really), did you know that in an area served by streetlights you are only obliged to use you sidelights, not your full headlights, which are only required outside of urban streets. Or, that if you're turning off a main road into a side road, and pedestrians are already crossing on that side road on the junction, then the pedestrians have right of way, so revving your enging and tooting your horn in annoyance is not only rude, but based on a misapprehension that you are in a car and therefore have the right.

Might is right. Maybe car drivers are merely taking Israel as their lead. Much like Hamas the pedestrians aren't always lily-white, but the balance of power lies away from them - to stop the killing, hurt, anguish, suffering, huge strides would be made forward if that group holding sway, holding all the aces, makes some dramatic changes. And then Israel could copy motorists, then there will be peace in the world, and an end to all hatred and fighting and a safer place for everyone to live in.

I may have taken the analogy and consequences a bit far there. But why don't we start with how we drive and see what happens?

Discarded blips:

Lovely Fixed Peugeot
Just Like Timotei
Not Looking!
Strange ball fountainy thingy

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