Best Friends

We took the girls to Drusilla's Park and Zoo and arranged to meet up with Sandra and Lu with their two little girls Lana and Nieve together with Lu's friend Kelly and her little boy Finn. Lana is 9 months older than Scarlett, Nieve is 3 months older than Violet and Finn is a couple of weeks younger than Violet, so it was a real play date!

Scarlett and Lana have never met before, but in no time at all they bonded and had a fantastic day together. As you can see, they both had their faces painted as Hello Kitty, and Lana told me that she was having a really lovely day with Scarlett, and told her mum that it was the best day ever!  Scarlett told me that Lana was her best friend and when we came to leave, they hugged and kissed, how cute is that!?

We were all completely shattered when we got home and by the time the girls went to bed, we had dinner and then just flaked out on the sofa - another early night I think, but we're planning to go to the Eastbourne Airshow tomorrow, so it'll be another early start!

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