A mighty guitar

This mighty guitar is on display at Fontanel, just outside Nashville. We spent most of the morning here looking around the little shops, taking a short walk (in the heat - otherwise it would have been longer), and sampling some the local wares, including whiskey and rum. We were tickled to be asked to show our ID before purchasing alcohol, and flattered when the shop assistant commented on our wonderful accents.

Other activities today included a quick look around the Loveless Cafe (but no meal there because we weren't prepared to wait in a queue for 2 hours!) and a hunt for dresses to go with yesterday's boot purchases: don_T was successful; I was not.

This evening we headed back into town for a lovely dinner at M restaurant. On the way back to the hotel we stopped off at a supermarket to buy provisions for tomorrow's eclipse picnic and the next stage of our road trip. On hearing my accent one of the shop assistants asked where I was from, and whether or not you have to take a plane to reach North America from the UK...

My cousin don_T has also blipped a few photos from today. Do take a peek at her journal.

Exercise today: 30 minutes on the hotel treadmill (15 running, 15 walking on a steep incline); walking (11,042 steps)

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