
By Veronica

Cap Sa Sal

"I don't care what the food's like," said S when he saw the place I'd selected for lunch. This is the Vintage Lounge, a bar/restaurant with rooms attached in a stunning position high on a pine-clad cliff, overlooking the cove of Sa Sal. The tables are dotted about in the shade of the pines. And in fact the food was good -- even if it was double the price of yesterday's lunch in a modest restaurant in Begur. But then, it did include lobster.

We had an interestingly trilingual conversation with the owner. We enquired in Spanish, he promptly replied in English, but then we overheard him conversing in obviously native French with the people at the next table. So when he asked "Are you ready to order?" we both hesitated, pondering which language to select, before replying "Oui." "Ah ! You should have said you were French!" It turned out that this place had been abandoned for 10 years until he bought and refurbished it four years ago. It's out of the way, but well worth a visit.

It's still beautiful weather here -- a lovely prolongation of summer. And incidentally I've realised that after 265 entries, this is my first with the sea in it. A bit ridiculous when we live only half an hour from the Mediterranean.

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