Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

bed head..................

she looked tiny in my mum's bed at the weekend.

yep,that's right blippers McD finally made it back to the motherland...................for all of 36 hours!
i wish i could say it was under better circumstances though. i got a call from my mum on friday afternoon telling me that my gran had been given a few days, maybe a week at most left to live. the doc has put her on morphine and as many of you out there will know that really does signal the beginning of the end. so what else could i do but jump in the car (with Mrs and baby McD in tow) and head straight home. my gran (and granda) have played a huge part in my life and even as i type this tears are rolling down my cheeks. i find it very hard to imagine life without her in it. it was bad enough when my granda died a few years ago and i have never forgiven myself for not getting back up to see him before he passed away.............so i wasn't about to do the same thing again. i think it's worse this time as my gran is still with it (in mind anyway)although i had to smile when my aunt told me that my gran had spent the day in a bad mood as she had hoped to pass away last night. maybe you have to know her (my gran that is) or know my sense of humour to see the funny side in that.
anyway it has been a long weekend and a lot of miles travelled but all worth it and i really appreciated the few hours i got to spend on my own with my gran on saturday night while my mum and aunt (and their other halves) went for a break...............on my gran's orders mind you. it was so nice just remembering all the good times we have shared and yet at the same time my heart was breaking.
ok have to wrap this up as it's just a bit much to bear now that i have started typing this.

so apologies for the disappearing act over the last week, although i will be leaving blip in a few weeks time but i shall get into that later.
until then take it easy blippers and as usual let's end on a tune.....................

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