
By HellsBells

What's New Pussy cat?

House administration day today. House insurance done, Charlottes passport done, 2 cars, servicing and MOTs arranged. Wills accommodation, not quite sorted, well it is, I just can't seem to get hold of anyone to advise me of payment timings etc. Chased Charlottes deposit from her 2nd year digs up. She's quite capable of doing it herself but she's been so stressed with working double shifts, I said I'd help out. Then finally sorted my union membership out, I accidentally cancel it instead of Toms when he retired and forgot to re-instate it!  doh! Almost forgot to blip so here's Lottie arriving home from work to give Angus a big cuddle, well, she'll have to squeeze as many as possible before she heads back to London next Friday.

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