
By stujphoto


I actually manage to get out before breakfast today to take some shots as I normally do on most holidays. I've decided to choose a shot of a butterfly that I saw this mornings as my blip because I have hardly seen any butterflies this summer at home. I haven't the foggiest what species it is and suspect it is something as common as the cabbage white back home but never mind it's a 'butterfly'.

I'm pretty sure it's the 'Gonepteryx rhamni' having checked the internet.

were several other shots I took today as I used my main travel camera down to the beach. I've decided to include a couple of the fire fighting planes as unlike yesterday I was able to focus closely at on the planes as they flew past and touched down on the sea water to pick up water to dump on the flames. We can no longer see a cloud of smoke from the bush fires so I guess they must have got them under control. However, it does seem that they were started deliberately as one of the helicopters saw a couple of guys starting new fires as it was dropping water to douse the flame

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