The end of the deck

A full day, so I was glad to get back to the apartment. I am sufficiently over the lurgi, which has laid me a little low over the last week, that I got on the bike again. It was a great day to ride in the sun. A work colleague on his motor scooter came up beside me at the lights on the corner of K Road and Pitt Street. I don't ride fast, and yet I caught him at each subsequent set of light as far as the far side of Grafton Bridge, and was less than a minute behind at the hospital. If one ever needed proof of the sense of riding a push bike that was it.

Coming home this afternoon, I checked for traffic and started to cross the road, when I caught sight of a car approaching at high speed (well over the 50 km/hr limit), and aborted my attempt. Evidence of the nonsense of riding a bike in Auckland traffic.

I was soothed by the near (my blip) and far (the extra) views from the deck this evening

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