Peak Purple

I was at work this morning but you can't expect three days off in a row... 

I knew that a couple of Skyline members were going to Stanage Far End today but left my decision about whether to join them until after I got back from work.  If I'd had to spend 3 hours lifting tins of paint I wouldn't have gone climbing afterwards, but luckily it wasn't that sort of a shift :-)

I didn't want to climb all day and was quite happy with the two routes I did, the first one almost as soon as I'd found the three guys and put my bag down!  Back to gritstone slab, with sloping holds and balancy moves... what a change from the juggy limestone of my last two outings.

Then two of them decided to have a go at an HVS round the corner and spent a long time attempting, giving up and then attempting again before one of them managed to get to the top, declaring it 'relentless'... at least, that was the most polite part of their description! 

My role was that of photographer, and there's one of the route as the extra.

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