No Drama

Unlike a lot of the United Kingdom we are not having much in the way of weather at the moment. Yes it has rained a lot and been a bit windy but nothing like as exciting (terrible) as some of you have been posting. Whilst this is a good thing for our newly decorated house, it does not give me good blip fodder.

So this might be it today, unless something more interesting comes along.

What you cannot see is the mad rush hour traffic 10 feet behind me, this little lane is off one of the main roads just outside Cambridge and so there was a lot of rubbernecking going on, as if people could not believe I would interrupt my journey to work for something as trivial as taking a picture.

The fact is I have seen this line of trees many times, they would make a great photo with the right person taking the picture. I was hoping that they would be a little more autumnal by now, alas not yet it seems. I do like the fact that the divide the harvest from the newly prepared fields though.

They will however look better a little bigger

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