... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Egyptian Geese: preening tween...

Definitely cuter in large: please press "L"!

Silly weather... I went to quite a bit of trouble earlier taking bracketed exposure pictures (for HDR) of (tired-looking) lilies that we have at home, in an attempt to produce a satisfying indoor blip (on account of the rain...); I got my tripod out and everything!
Here is one of the results on Blipfolio.

BUT, after coffee with a friend this afternoon, the clouds parted and the rain stopped, so off I took myself to Eagle Pond... I'd visited the goslings in the morning but it was drizzling and grey, and they hadn't yet got up so were all lying in a soggy huddle. I didn't take a single picture then (*gasp*).
They were on good form this afternoon, and here is one looking totally adorable. They've almost all now developed pronounced specula! (Another word with multiple correct plurals: the plural of speculum can be "speculums" or "specula".)

Meh, but one gosling had swallowed fishing line (...); I managed to catch the line (to see whether that'd get it out of its mouth) but it had well and truly swallowed it, so I let it go (when it started to wriggle). They went into the water, and re-emerged after a 15 minute swim, and I think I couldn't see the line any more so perhaps it had managed to spit it out in the meantime.
Fingers crossed (figuratively); I'll check on it tomorrow...

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