Tail Fluff

Right now I'm just delighted to be alive and to have had a nice long bath.
Richard Branson

Blaze spent quite a long time in the old pear tree this morning with the standard chipmunk bathing routine and finished up with a tail fluff. Nelson and the three resident 'munks are vying for acorns and peanuts with a new sense of urgency as October approaches.

I'm thinking about working on my painting, but the delivery of J.K.Rowling's , The Casual Vacancy delivery to my Kindle, iPhone and iPad beckons. T and I were talking to G at supper last night about our cozy weekends last fall, reading Harry Potter(yes, we were late to the party) and then watching the movies as we finished each book. We might just do it again, it was so cozy.

G and I are doing some brainstorming and tossing around idea of ways to have him perform his This Will Actually Happen, solo Nora show with my photographs, or something that's audience interactive after the performance...he might apply for a local Cultural Council grant...

Check out one of my favorite Raspberry photos from last year's thumbnail. Here she is today .

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and bright, rain is on the way, on and off for the next few days.

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