Gabriels Hill, Maidstone

I don't suppose many people in this shot know that on 1st June 1648 the final throes of a decisive battle of the Second English Civil War was fought on this street. It was up this street on a thundery afternoon on that June day that Fairfax's forces made their way up Gabriels Hill on the way to defeating the troops of the Earl of Norwich.

I have blipped this street before, but from the top, giving the viewpoint of the Royalist troops. This gives the view the Parliamentary troops would have had as the pursued the retreating Royalists.

A packed day today, as you might expect. We still had time to walk into town for coffee and a few last things. Then it was a packed afternoon with a final visit to the allotment, clearing the garden of apples, watering, packing, running, visiting Susan's mum. It was a relief to sit down and relax with a tumbler of something at the end of the day and contemplate the coming days. Managed to check-in online and get the last 2 window seats for the flight to Vancouver.

Racing to finish a book by Thomas Friedman called "It's alright to be late" which has been both an eye opener and a reaffirmation of the impact of the exponential growth of communications technology. While the power technology grows at a rate beyond the comprehension of most people, we all struggle to keep up with the impact and implications of the opportunities and threats the technology offers and will continue to offer in the future. Well worth a read.

Communications may be a little erratic in the coming days as I'm not certain how much internet access there will be in the Rockies, we'll see.

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