Out of reach

One of those mornings when I can lie in the bath in the sunshine! No, the bath isn't in the garden, but the window gets early (ie 8.30am) sunshine. 

It didn't last long and we had rain at lunchtime but I decided that I better put my money where my mouth is and go out with the litter picker and do my bit. So it was on with the hi-vis with KEEP OBAN BEAUTIFUL  emblazoned across the back and up to McCaig's Tower and then down the 144 steps of Jacob's Ladder and eventually back up Hill Street. I reckon I collected about a fertiliser bag full of rubbish and earned a few waves from people I didn't know!

I took my camera with me, but I suppose the Blip should fit the activity, so here's a picture of some of the rubbish out of reach down the bank at Jacob's Ladder. Approaching home, my neighbour Paddy, a drainage contractor, stopped his pick-up and offered to pay for some more hi-vis vests if we needed them. Very good of him!

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