
By Bom

A Favourite Memory

Today's Mono Monday challenge is 'a favourite memory' - thanks to sk for hosting. 

As those of you who follow my journal will know, I'm a big tennis fan and of Wimbledon in particular, and my favourite player is Roger Federer. I also love the Olympics and am quite patriotic. So imagine how pleased I was when it was announced that the Olympics was coming to London and I might be able to experience an event in person. I applied for 5 tickets in the ballot, generally choosing the less popular events and dates early in an event in an attempt to get a ticket (but just about being able to afford all of them if I were successful). I also applied for tickets to the tennis men's gold medal match knowing I had next to no chance of getting them. I checked the website on the day the ticket allocations were granted and I was so disappointed to see I'd only been successful in one application - then I realised it was for the tennis - I was beside myself!!!

Then the tournament started and a few seeds went out and it turned out to be Andy Murray for Team GB and Roger Federer in the final and also the Williams sisters in the ladies doubles and Andy and Laura Robson in the mixed doubles finals - all on the one ticket. Then the evening before the final I watched Super Saturday in total amazement and excitement as we won 6 gold medals.

Everyone on the train seemed to be going to the Olympics and we were all talking about it - a great atmosphere. Everyone was also chatting to each other in the stadium as we waited for play to start - people seemed to have travelled from all over the world. I've not seen the match on tv - but in the stadium Andy seemed in control from the outset and I was never in doubt that he would win. The Williams sisters are legends and they dominated their final. The mixed doubles was really exciting even though Team GB didn't win. Then there was the magical moment when the medals were presented - in my wildest dreams I could never have imagined singing the National Anthem in Centre Court after a British player was given an olympic gold medal. The atmosphere was just electric and everyone was so happy - for lots of people just to be part of the event.

I was also lucky enough to get a ticket for the Paralympics athletics - again a wonderful experience and an amazing atmosphere.

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