Rebel doggies

For those of you who read our Blip yesterday, you will know that Ozzy, (my very gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend) is staying with me for a couple of days. For our morning walk we went along the lane and do you know what?......................... the HUGE structure that I was blipped beside on Thursday was for a wedding. So now we know. Not sure when it is going to be taken down though.

For our afternoon walk, Ann said, 'Molly, would you and Ozzles like to go up Rosewall Hill? Rosewall Hill is a great place for our walk. Occasionally there's' sheep there but recently there's only been ponies. Ann likes it because there is no where for me to go wallowing in mud so I stay nice and clean. Famous last words?!!!!'

On our route back down the hill we passed a little pond. Ann said, 'NO' in a really stern voice so I knew that I wasn't allowed to go wallowing and I just walked past it in 'good collie' mode. Ozzy doesn't know what the word 'NO' means so he just jumped in and had a bit of a swim around. Well that wasn't very fair was it? Obviously I had to copy???

…................So now we're both really stinky, muddy dogs.

When we got home Ann said, 'Right I need you both to go and snooze on the sun terrace until you are dry.' Ozzy immediately did what he was told. Even after he'd come in for his dinner he went back out again to dry off. He is such a good boy. As for me...................... well yes I am a bit stinky but I'm blaming Ozzy for leading me astray.

….............Don't we all just love a bad boy!!!

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