Searching for Clues

Tuesday is tucked away (20:24) - apart from washing up after dinner.

Dinner was one of the day's highlights - home made venison burgers (grilled), baby new potatoes (boiled) and char grilled courgette. All produced within the local area. 

It has been another busy day - work and Rotary stuff, but I did 2 loads of laundry in the morning and cut the grass at 5pm. Aah, the excitement of it all...

I've been in a difficult mood all day, but I'm not sure why. Grumpy with myself and with the world. That's a pity because the weather was lovely all day.

I did manage to have a coffee outside after lunch, and whilst I enjoyed it at the time, I was grumpy again as soon as I got back to my desk.

Yes, I know there's a big clue there...

I got my Blip on the way to the coffee shop at Kinghorn Loch. One bonus from going there is the views from the road. The Blip is one of them. That's North Berwick on the horizon.

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