Greater spotted

I really need to learn more about birds. A huge bird of prey has been sighted by several people over Aphrodite Hills in the last few days, and today I saw it - it was incredible. It was huge and silent and just amazing. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get a snap of it, but I've spent some some searching the internet for what it might be and I've narrowed it down to a Griffon Vulture or a Bonelli's Eagle. So I need some binoculars, and to have my camera permanently glued to me in some way, and I need to go on a bird watchers course, because after all of my research today, it appears that Cyprus is a great place for bird-watching (only 3 and a half years late to that party!).

In lieu of a rare eagle/vulture, I'm blipping the slightly less exotic Snowflake, fresh from rolling around in the mud, fur full of dead leaves and small insects that she will then spread around the house and over my bed for me later.

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