Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

A lot of people are going to want to see this

Farmers' Market this morning, so I went into town for that and to catch the start of the Winchester Half Marathon.  Being early, I got a prime spot next to the guy from the Daily Echo, but of course, 5 minutes before the off someone turned up with film equipment and huffed and tried to muscle me out of the way.  So I turned round, looked at his camera and tripod looming over me and said jokingly,
"Pulling rank then?"
"No," he said crossly, "But I'm here for ITV and a lot of people are going to want to see this."
Not my problem, mate.

In Extras, is a more usual 'me' shot, of a couple of runners in the crowd.

Spent the rest of the day pottering and Hazel-sitting.  And doing a nice lot of nothing.  And now I'm off to watch the local ITV news!

Hope your weekend's been a good one  xx

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