Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

A little bit of Magic

Wow so this is 366 :D

OMG with a little magic we ok Ferd made it onto the spotlight.

Thank you :D

It was like he knew yesterday as he sat posed a shot that was too good to pass up and would have been better without the detritus of life but well then all my photos generally show it as it is, living in a mini Zoo you have to forgive the odd messy floor covered in fluff, does the moulting ever end and bits and bobs and clutter that been but out of the rabbits reach.

I had intended a well boring sort of filler blip of a cross stitch that I have just started - so glad that Ferd had come to the rescue as no that would not have done at all for my blip birthday. My first blip was the 3rd of September 2011 so given the the horrible year that I have had I havent missed a consecutive 365 by much.

It started off as a parallel to my photo a day challenge that I was doing on my blog but it became a whole lot more for which I am grateful, I was welcomed with wide arms to this family of blippers. I have cried, laughed and been simply amazed. My photography skills my not be technical (auto and macro are my friend maybe one day I will learn to escape these settings, and maybe one day I will even get a DSLR), but I do like to think that I can frame a good shot when I think about it but generally it has been point and shot with a couple of extra shots for luck (often the first click being the one deemed worthy to blip).

Well I think its now time for a nice cup of earl grey (twinings naturally), some marmite (sadly not gold I will get a jar or 3) on toast and an extra hug for Ferd.

Plans for the rest of they day - knitting and hoping that the gunk going down my throat and well sore throat and headache will leave me alone - think I will be having blood tests next week - at least the lymph node bumps have gone so thats something.

Enjoy your Sunday x

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