bucket list...

Having said that though we will be back to stay on Dirk Hartog Island.

Forget Captain Cook and first landfall...Dirk Hartog back in 1616 sailed around the west of the great Southern Land and decided he would anchor his boat and climbed a cliff  now called 'Cape Inscription' and ...as you do... left the 17th century equivalent of 'Dirk Woz Here' on an inscribed pewter plate (extra).

From sheep station to now eco resort and reclaimed for the original vegetation and endemic wildlife.
The latter now being reintroduced after removal of the sheep, wild goats (the French explorers left veggies and protein on islands they explored for future explorers!) and feral cats (also souvenirs from the ships moggy population).

The lovely lads from Shark Bay Aviation flew us there and back (eight hours later)
During those hours we explored the bays (extra) and dunes (extra) and of course the lodge (extra) where we will return to without doubt.
There are sharks in the bay
and island of seabirds and a nesting osprey to wade to (through fish and perhaps sharks?)

What's not to love!!

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