Our poor pond!

Just look at our poor pond.  When it is full the water comes right up to the base of the tree on the far side.  Now it is like a puddle.  We cnly hope that during this winter the stream behind the tree floods as it has done in the past and fills the pond up again.  Even the moorhens have deserted us and are now living next door where there is a lined pond so the level never drops too much.

The pond was originally a clay pit.  The clay was made into bricks in a kiln in the next door field.  That started in 1850s.  At the end of that century the brickwork foreman's house (ours now) became a farm house. It is still called Kiln Farmhouse!

Link to our pond in 2015, not full but much better than today.

Link to our pond in 2014 just after it flooded.  I think that is the last time it flooded.

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