
By GloryGlory

Pony Party

Miss B, enjoying the experience at todays 'Pony Party'. I was pretty horrified.

I've spared you the photo of the caravan in which the children sat all cosy eating cake while the parents stood outside in the freezing cold, wind and rain on a muddy hillside for 40minutes.

I've also spared you the photo of the shetland pony almost entirely covered in clips, bobbles and, yes, glittery 'hoof varnish'.

Miss B found the whole occasion frightening and fulfilling, she was scared stiff at first but got over her fears to ride a pony and indeed 'groom' it.

My experience was entirely different. It took about an hour once home to warm up with the aid of thermal underwear, thick clothing, a fleece blanket, massively furry slippers, the central heating on and a mug of hot water.


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