Les Salines

We are staying at Camping Les Salines just outside Plurien and Sables d'Or Les Pins. 

It was another hot and sunny day and so we strolled up to Plurien to look for lunch. There was not much going on. We carried on walking, back down to Sable d'Or.

This is Les Salines, the salt marshes that lie between the land and the dunes that block the view of the sea. 

I would not mind stopping for a fourth night in order to explore these wetlands as they are rich and fascinating. The water courses are punctuated with the white of Egrets and I noticed when we crossed a bridge that the ground below was covered (I think, I am no expert) in Samphire and Oyster Plant.

Sables d'Or was mainly closed today but we did manage to find an agreeable lunch.

Not sure where we are going tomorrow but biscuit production has been mentioned

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