I'll Have One of Each, Please!

The odd news of the week is that I suddenly find myself at a conference in New Brunswick, New Jersey, the home of Rutgers University. Months ago, some friends at work and I put in a presentation proposal for the UPCEA regional conference - a conference for people who work in professional, continuing, and online education.

Our presentation got accepted, so Wednesday morning found me leaving home by 6:15 a.m. (much to That Tabbycat's chagrin!), meeting my friends and leaving Penn State around first light, and arriving in New Jersey around 11:30 a.m. Our travels were without incident.

There was a lunch, a keynote, some sessions, and then our presentation (which went well, thanks for asking!). The only glitch was that our rooms - which we had hoped would be ready for us before the conference began - were not ready until mid-afternoon, just before our session. (Stress, stress, stress!)

After all of the business of the day was concluded, we met an old colleague from Penn State who is now at Rutgers, and he gave us a driving tour of several of the Rutgers campuses. That was followed by dinner at Old Man Rafferty's, within walking distance of the hotel where we are all staying.

We each ordered something good. For myself, I had the short ribs mac and cheese (comfort food). But apparently, one of the things the restaurant is most famous for is its fine desserts! I was stuffed after my meal, and so I enjoyed just a few bites of my fellow diners' desserts, which were very rich and tasty indeed.

Here, for your visual and culinary delight, is a photo of the desserts, pleasingly displayed in glass cases. The soundtrack to accompany this photo is Queen, with I Want It All!

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