A Long and Busy Day!

I already had a blip planned for today, but I came home through such a wonderful sunset after the rainy afternoon, I was determined to try and blip it! Unfortunately I was just too late and a lot of my shots were very blurred for some reason, so this is what I had already planned and taken this morning....

The autumn is very much here now and I notice the thinning of the leaves on my acacia? tree very much now, there will soon be none left! Individual leaves are also 'paper' thin :)

I had mislaid the connection box for loading pictures from the camera which is why my this is so late this evening!

Tomorrow is another day and I might put the camera in the boot of my car before work (work are very strict and we are not allowed to bring cameras or mobile phones with cameras into the building) if I remember :)

Today was the dreaded dr's appointment, but very thankfully I have been given the all clear and the 'pre-cancer' condition hasn't accelerated to be cancer :) I am really praising God for that!

However, the lump that has been on my leg is causing the dr (my own GP thankfully at last) to wonder whether I was bitten by a tick during my August holiday (you will remember I went on a retreat here) There was plenty of long grass, and I did wander into it a bit on my walks around the estate..... He says it doesn't always show up straight away, and can come some weeks later. So I am back on antibiotics (another sort~Doxycycline 1 twice a day) and had to have a blood test for Lymes Disease :(

I also had my flu jab today, so my arm is hurting (why is it that when a dr does this it causes a great big round 'pigeon' egg size lump on the arm?)....

Soooo its been a long day in more than one way, because the queue for the blood test was over an hour long......

Then I came home, had a coffee and some lunch and went straight to work!

I'm hoping for a decent night tonight after last night! Seeing the accident upset me, and it was obviously praying on my mind as I woke up sweating with my heart pounding, and having palpitations at 2am this morning...... I did get my blood pressure checked with the Dr and all was ok, so it was just one of those things I hope!

Hope you all had a good day blippers :)

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