If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Solace Day 13.

I have no idea who this guy is or why he is there and strangely google doesn't cast any light on the matter.  He stands on the "off side" (none towpath side) of the Trent and Mersey canal at Armitage (Home of the toilets -Armitage Shanks).  He looks out over the canal just near the start of the "Armitage Tunnel".

When is a tunnel not a tunnel?   When its at Armitage!  The tunnel was made, as the name suggests as a tunnel, however in recent times it has had the top taken off and a large road bridge put in place.

The tunnel is a bit of a impediment to navigation as it is only one boat wide and crooked.  As a result a member of the crew has to walk through and check no boats are entering at the other end.  How they got back in time to tell the boat before modern phones and Walkie Talkies I have yet to work out.  Boaters who are single handing have either to risk it or wait and follow a boat through who has more crew.

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