Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


OK, this is an emergency blip or at least not what I planned. Spent too much time at the Apple store trying (among other issues with iPad) to restore my aperture library from the back up time machine-took 5 hours. (After I carefully carried it home) I was going to use a picture of all the computer stuff at Apple but decided I really did NOT want to look at a computer no matter how artfully posed!
This doll has been laying on the coffee table since she fell apart in Fiona's hands last Thursday. It's the 3rd doll that has lost limbs or had a broken head from Fiona. To be fair, they are very old and decrepit (being either my mother's, mine, or mine that I made at age 10. all very old.) so perhaps we should invest in a new unbreakable one!
Anyway, when I looked at this photo I sort liked the reflections of art and books on the table and then lo and behold! I see a little doll jacket under the glass table that was overlooked when picking up.....
The photos are not all lost thank goodness but something isn't working right yet. I am making a resolution AGAIN to edit more vigorously. :-). And now I have to turn everything off and go read in bed. Will catch up tomorrow....

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