Meet Kay

This is Ann's friend Kay. Kay & Ann met 27 years ago when they were both primary school teachers at same school. Today Ann & Kay went out for lunch at the 'Waiting Room' and I got to go with them. Then they took me for a really nice walk in the Hermitage of Braid where I got to do lots of splishing and splashing and sploshing in the burn.

When we got home I flaked out in my bed and Ann & Kay had a coffee and started looking through photos from almost 30 years ago. Kay made the comment that everyone looked so young back then??!! Duh! Everyone WAS young back then. 30 years ago Ann worked for a headteacher who was single, middle aged, was probably only early 40s and had a dog she was obsessed with. Ann remembers saying to her friends; 'If I end up like that, just shoot me'??? Ann has ended up like that but she doesn't want to be shot. Lol! She loves her life.

Anyway we've had a lovely afternoon with Kay, but just for our own records, Ann needs to have another teeny, weeny little rant about the local swimming pool.....................

It's half term in Edinburgh so the pool timetable has changed for a week. Ann checked it online before she went and it said that half the pool was available for public swimming (with lanes) from 10.45am. Perfect! Except it wasn't perfect. It was pouring with rain so Ann made the decision to drive to the pool and pay £2 for an hours parking instead of walking for 20 mins and getting soaked through.

Parked the car at 11.01am for one hour. Swimming 50 lengths takes about 40 mins, that leaves 20 mins for getting undressed/dressed and showering. Perfect! Except it wasn't perfect. When she got there the girl on reception said that the pool wasn't available until 11.15am. Grrrrrrr...................

Anyway managed to swim 50 lengths and get back to the car before the very vigilant parking enforcement officers gave her a ticket. But that's not the point. If Edinburgh Council are going to the trouble of changing their websites for one week; they should at least make sure that they've got the correct information on them.

OK rant over!

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