
By Alberta

Meet Luc

Subtitle (c/o Naturelover) 'You want to go where everyone knows your name!'

I blipped from Luc's bar before .. it is one of our main stopping points for coffee on the way back from our bike rides.. He has our coffees .. noisette and petit deca on the table before we have sat down.. I love that about being here.. We know people and they know us and what we like... like being part of one big family which of course we are! And inside it is full of clocks.. on the walls, the ceiling the tables.. this is a man who pays attention to time .. so I was very tentative in asking him if he would step outside so I could take his photo but he readily agreed and I hastily snapped it while he got shouts from the butcher's wife over the road to smile!!!

P.S. Funny that nowhere does it say Luc's Bar and yet that is what we all call it...

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