
We left Rothesay on the 11am sailing and said goodbye to the island after what's been another excellent week there. We'll be back.

I was just bumbling around at home in the afternoon and so thought I'd give me bike a wee spin down the coast because I, erm, haven't been out much on it lately, ahem. I knew it would be dark on the way back so I took my lights and was all prepared. Got to Gosford House which is approximately 16 miles away, decided to stop there and turn round for the return leg. I took my phone out to take a quick pic of some impressive-looking skies over Edinburgh, stuck my lights on, set off and looked down to see a completely flat front tire. I did actually shout out loud "You are flipping kidding" (or words to that effect) and set about fixing it in the descending gloom. Damn hawthorn - again!

However, when Chris 'Froomey' Froome gets back from one of his little bike rides that I've heard he does from time to time, do you think there is Chinese takeaway waiting for him at his gaff? I doubt it, perhaps his family doesn't love him quite enough. So, for the first time ever I ate spring rolls, prawn crackers and the like in my lycra. I took the helmet off at least...


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