What I've Done

By JohnGravett

Edinburgh: the old and the new

Thank you for getting my early morning shot of yesterday to the Spotlight page - obviously delaying breakfast was well worth while!

Gail & I visited Edinburgh for the day today - well, we had to drop a couple of watches off for service, and Edinburgh is cloesr than London.  Had a lovely day, and ended up with a few pictures I could have blipped, but I thought this contrast of the new and the old summed up the modern Edinburgh. The only difficulty in taking this picture was - I was driving in the car, the camera was in the boot. Fortunately the road-work traffic lights were on red, so I threw the door open, ran round the back, grabbed the camera and fired off some shots, diving into the car just as the lights changed.

Managed time for Haggis, neeps & tatties for lunch - yum

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