Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

A day of visits

Great Grandmamas for lunch, lentil soup was in progress when I called to say we were coming. We provided French stick and rolls for with it.

Then off to see Great Granny after lunch, where we met up with cousin Jenna. Tea, coffee and biscuits were consumed and Granny was amused (until she wasn’t and told them “that’s enough now” in no uncertain terms!) by the children playing in Great Grandads chair.

We left her to go and see Great Grandad in the hospital where we met Auntie Winnie and cousin Sophie. Great Grandad was looking tired and sore and just let conversation flow above him. He did enjoy some sips of Fanta and some chocolate buttons however!

Tea was provided by Auntie Catriona and Auntie Diane. We taught them how to play Carcasonne while waiting for tea to cook. It was really good fun. Kids then got their pjs on and I drove home. Arrived at 11.45. A long but extremely worthwhile day.

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