Fish on a Stick and Stick in the Mud

Hubby and i went to the annual Abfischen fest at Lake Brunei in another town. For an explanation see here. We went much later this year, partly because we spent a long time talking to Hubby's sister on FaceTime and partly because I didn't feel the need to photograph the trawling of the fish this year. It wasn't as cold as last year but there was a biting wind and it was threatening to rain. 
The photo shows whole trout 'Steckelfisch' roasting over the coals.
Kids löve playing in the mud left behind once the lake has been emptied and there is always at least one that gets stuck and has to be rescued.
The extra shows one kid stuck in the mud. I bet his mother is going to be happy (not) although the parents seem to be rather tolerant of the kids playing in the mud. Actually. a fair bit of the mud was washed out as you can see in the second extra.
It was the last home football game for the year and a grudge match between 2 neighbouring towns - the town where we live and the town where Hubby grew up. We lost, unfortunately.

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