One of those trips

First thanks for all the stars, favs and comments about yesterday's blip it was much appreciated.
It all started well with me getting away from work on time for the airport to fly back to the UK.
First thing that happened was my rucksack got emptied in security as I had unrecognised items. I travel on a plane every week so my daysack is always packed with nothing that can upset security, but there was a trainee on the X-ray machine and he didn't recognise my camera.
I then went in hunt of a goat to Blip, to be honest I struggled to find one, the closest I got was Goat milk cheese so a took some pictures feeling it was a bit weak but the word goat was there :-)

I got to the lounge perks of flying so much you build up points and can use lounges throughout the world. The Budapest lounge is fairly small but usually comfortable with the usual freebies, but today it was jam packed, the BA afternoon flight to the UK was delayed so these guys were still waiting. I grabbed a glass of wine and sat on the bin listening to these poor passages cursing the lack of information as I say there people watching I caught the eye of someone who looked familiar I thought old colleague, met on a flight somewhere, then he opened his mouth to speak and I recognised the voice it was William Haig foreign secretary. That now explains the amount of police and security around the lounge. He was supposed to be on the delayed afternoon flight
My evening flight was called so I got my stuff together, the next message was a lady mentioning in matter of fact terms that the afternoon flight was now cancelled and passengers had to go to the BA desk. Myself and my colleague walked to the gate to join the usual scrum that is getting on a plane in Budapest, while standing there waiting William Haig walked passed with his entourage he was ushered onto the plane without having to join the scrum. I had a sinking feeling straight away as I handed over my phone to be scanned I got the red beep of pain, I knew what it meant straight away, my seat had gone. They typed my name into the computer and my seat had changed from 6A to 26A, good news I was on the plane bad news I was in the last row more or less, I got on the plane only to find William Haig in my seat!! The injustice of it all, he should be sat back in 26A I gave him a very British frowning while waiting for people to put their bags in the overhead lockers.
The flight was very bumpy and we landed an hour later than we were supposed to.
The drive down to Wales was very wet and bad we got blown all over the place and spent half the journey aqua planning.
But it was all worth it to wake up this morning in Wales with the girls :-)
The Blop is of Tower bridge From the air
Have a good weekend all :-)

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