I love little pussy his coat is so...WET?!

lying in my near-death-bed trying to recover from the hideous experience of seeing what it's like to pick apples even though I know I'm now allergic to them


and wondering what to do in the future


as Mr. Spitzi's back won't allow him to do the apple harvest alone


maybe handing it on as a way of earning real money to the children is an option?


or maybe there's someone else who'd like to rent the trees from us?


such a horrible situation that we can't live the way we want to because our bodies
what the hell is up with that cat?

Jump out of bed, remember to put clothes on....run outside, search for source of
Ahhhh, rainbarrel.....

One cat rescued - split second of wondering, with the number of cats we have, whether a little extra shove might not be a good idea, but no, I am a softie....carried dripping cat to his mother who looked astounded, then walked away. I suspect she would've gone for the extra shove. So, Flea it is, sitting in the sun cuddling the puddy-kitten til he's warm and dry again. I asked her what we should call him, now we've managed to inspect him and see that he is a boy. She looked at his little body quaking with cold, a cheeky grin hit her face and she said "Vibrator" ....I think we'll shorten it to Vibe.....

Both Flea and I have the 3.30s behind us, she's slept it off, I'll sleep it off tonight with a (hopefully) unbroken night's sleep.


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