Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Lighting Up A Dark Corner

Late fowering Michaelmas daisies are flourishing - they don't seem to mind the chill in the air, or the mist of rain that has been falling gently all afternoon.

I am on a mission to clear some space in the freezer, so I have been cooking today. Pumpkin soup (from last year's crop. This year's are in the garage waiting their turn, having escaped being turned into lanterns on account of not being very big, or very orange), and blackcurrant and jostaberry jelly. 

I have no idea what that will be like - it should be ok, as jostaberries are a hybrid of blackcurrants and gooseberries. The birds seem to like them, and we've never managed to harvest any till this year. So let's hope it works.

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