Once in a blue moon

I watched the super moon last evening into this morning with awe. It looked amazing. It stood out in a cloudless sky, illuminating the fields around me. We talk about the light of the moon, but the truth is, the moon reflects light. It has no capacity to generate it alone. It directs the light from the sun to earth and we have the benefits of that reflected light. In my Judeo Christian tradition, today is a day set apart. A day to reflect and pray. People of faith are told to be light. In reality we are called to be light bearers not light donors, because, alone, we have no capacity to be light on our own. We are not challenged to dispense light - as though it were a commodity, but rather be light by our presence. So, we draw grace from others and reflect that on. We benefit from others' generosity and pass it on. In the Christian tradition, we believe that we reflect the light of God to others by our acts and words..  So whether a person of faith or not, today, why not reflect the grace, generosity and care we have experienced, to others who are searching for those attributes and qualities. Let your light shine.

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