He Trusted Me

Friday morning, I was up early to deliver Topaz kitty to the Vet's office.  I was a bundle of nerves, and so was my little man.  He did not like me leaving him there....and I cried a little.  It feels bad to know that he is scared, and I can't make it better.  

I drove back home, and spent the morning doing some work reading.  Sugar had not school, and I wasn't feeling that great between the reflux and the worry.  

Soon, the Vet's office called me, and we ran into town to gather up our boy.  He was minus his testicles, but was happy to see us. We purchased him two toy cat balls to honor the big day.....because we are immature like that.  We figured they took two....so we'll give him two more.  He loves them....even more than his old ones.  tee hee....

We had a quiet afternoon and evening.  Our boy seemed to feel okay....but also off.  He wouldn't come snuggle....and he kept laying on the floor looking at the wall.  Even at bedtime he wouldn't sleep in his usual spot.  NO purring........at all.  Yet if we engaged him in a bit of play he was totally into it.  So I don't think he felt bad....just off.  

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