It matters not one tittle or jot.

Wherever you buy these wee oranges, there's a very strong chance that, despite how carefully you examine, them "there's always one".

This is not aimed at the purveyors visible, Morrison's were just as bad.
I haven't seen them thus presented in "Marcus & Spencius" for comparison. (See Carry on Cleo)
There was 1kg; which, from what's left, I guesstimate, would be 12-15 fruit. 
I have already eaten most of them and the remaining four seem perfectly O.K.
In fairness/mitigation, having just checked, they were marked "Best before~ ~ ~" last Thursday but come ON
As I said ALL the rest are perfectly OK.
It kinda backs up what a lady told us years ago, of a different Retailer we ceased to frequent. Not only do they interleaf old with "today's" meat slices they do the same with fruit apparently.

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