Wounded in action

I was up and about before the alarm went off. With time to spare before going to today's music session, I decided to tackle the tidying and cleaning which I hadn't got round to last week when I was hosting.

This little fellow met with an accident in the process, and now won't be able to defend himself as well as he used to. I was a bit too enthusiastic in my dusting, and snapped off part of one of his antlers. Oh dear! The sad thing is that this is one of a pair which has some sentimental value. If memory serves me right, they came from my aunt's (mum's sister) house after she died. The aunt lived in England for most of here life (in Surrey, near Croydon). She fell in the ice and broke her hip while over on a visit here, and never really recovered from the after-effects. My mum went over to assist with sorting out the estate, and came back with a few bits and pieces, including this chap and his companion. It's sad to see him damaged, mainly because of the associated memories.

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