WildPlace Blips

By WildPlace

Up the Wrekin

When I voiced the desire yesterday to walk up to the top of the Wrekin, I was a bit non-plussed when dad said that he would come along as well. I have to admit having bit of a sleepless night, dad is now 85 and has slowed down a lot over the last couple of years.

However, we made our way slowly to the top, he had a couple of stops and a couple of sit downs on convenient rocks or tree stumps. But he's a stubborn old thing and made it safely to the top (along with Mr. WP on the left).

Dad said, "ten years ago i'd be passing most people walking up here." And it was true, we come from hill farming stock and hills were a fact of our lives for over 100 years - none of the ancestors on my dads side died before they were 85. Hills obviously keep you fit! Both mum and dad did a lot of mountain walking and cycling right into their 70s. Dad climbed Ben Nevis for his 70th birthday. I think he felt it a little. And I had a lump in my throat and it only reaffirmed my feelings that I need to make the most of spending time with my mum and dad.

Not too much of a view from the top, quite a misty day.

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